Getting organised with Periea Handbag Organisers.
Last month my husband and I took our 2 boys to Florida for a family holiday; with us came Claire, Lexy and Chelsy.
It’s amazing how stressful getting ready for a holiday can be. My husbands contribution to the process tends to be quite minimal and to be dressed and in the car ready to leave at the appointed time is in his opinion him doing his bit. This means that it's left to me to do the majority of the packing.
This year I booked everything myself without going through a Travel Agent. The amount of documents I had to print was phenomenal. I decided that an A4 Lever Arch File was not ideal for my carry on luggage so instead I dived into my stock of Handbag Organisers.
Claire was ready and waiting and perfectly matched my needs. Our park tickets, driving licences and loyalty cards went straight into the built in card slots. Passports, Airline Tickets, Hotel Confirmation, Car Hire Booking and Airport Parking documents all folded up nicely into the 2 middle sections. My suitcase keys and currency all zipped away nicely inside. I was sorted and of course it fitted perfectly inside my handbag.
Bouyed up with my successful packing of Claire, I took Lexy up to my bedroom. I am not one to put my make up away after I have used it, so my bits and pieces were strewn across my dressing table and bathroom windowsill. In no time at all Lexy was filled and ready for her holidays; with cotton buds, wipes and tissues added to the outer pockets.
Chelsys conversion to my toiletries bag was as equally swift and effective. Shampoo, Conditioner and all my essentials slotted perfectly inside. When we arrived and I found my shampoo had leaked, I was able to just empty everything out and just put Chelsy straight in the wash with my dirty clothes.
The family, Chelsy, Lexy, Claire and I all had a great holiday and we are all looking forward to our next outing and in the meantime my love of Handbag Organisers is growing as I find more and more ways to make use of them outside my handbag.
If you are using yours in an innovative way please do let me know by sharing your comments below or post your pictures on our Facebook Page.
Thanks for reading.